Investigador: Isar Godreau, Vionex Marti, Mariluz Franco

Departamento: Instituto de Investigación Interdisciplinaria

Descripción: The proposed program seeks to invigorate this mission by strengthening the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (IIR) ‘s capacity to stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations and revamping humanities and humanity related creative endeavors at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. Through the project, UPR-C faculty will develop projects and courses to revitalize and spearhead needed institutional transformations in the Humanities and related disciplines. The proposed program seeks to 1) promote research projects that are rooted or in dialogue with the humanities with direct funding for faculty mentors and students; 2) revitalize interdisciplinary collaborations and peer-mentoring communities via seminars, coaching and writing groups; and 3) provide direct administrative support to the IIR to lead this undertaking over a 3.5 period.