Investigadores: Isar P. Godreau, José Caraballo, y Raymond Tremblay

Descripción: The project Maintaining, Engaging, and Tracking Alumni in Science and Health Research or METAS+ is a three-year research project that aims to test a cost-effective coaching intervention that will prepare Latino undergraduates to complete their degrees and transition to graduate studies in biomedical and STEM majors. Our hypothesis is that an intervention that reinforces Undergraduate Research (UGR) with coaching will prepare students to complete their first year of graduate school, which is a critical moment in their graduate education.

To establish the efficacy of coaching for a successful transition to graduate school, we will randomly assign 80 students (40 in YR1 and 40 in YR2) to a control group (no intervention) and an experimental group (coaching). If our proposed intervention is proven effective for improving students’ persistence, it can be scaled for broadened access at primarily undergraduate Minority Serving Institutions.

More information is provided in the enclosed presentation: METAS+ Presentation