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Conceptual Framework

The PR HEARTS Conference programming is guided by sensemaking theory and organizational and institutional learning. Sensemaking is concerned with generating understanding or making sense of change to generate “buy in” to promote the success of any given change effort according to Kezar, 2013. Generally institutional changes comes from the “top down,” meaning that those at the “top” are the ones making decisions. However, there is new research to suggest that change should be sought and examined from the perspective of the faculty (the implementers) rather than the administration. Such change mandates that faculty wellbeing be fully addressed and prioritized. Otherwise, the insights and decisions of faculty can be unnecessarily complicated, diffuse, or too myopic.


PR HEARTS is grounded in sensemaking, not only will build capacity but also demonstrate institutional learning for broadening the participation of STEM students at HSIs in Puerto Rico. Our research will build on that theory, specifically that transformational change (capacity building) occurs with the faculty, at the implementation level rather than only with policy; and that faculty wellbeing is an immutable factor without which transformation cannot occur. As such, the Conference will serve as evidence to generate institutional modifications to accommodate and advance broadening participation in undergraduate STEM education at an institutional level. More than changes at individual institutions we hope to create a movement for all academics in the island to create a national Hub with improvement in  higher education as its north. 

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Teléfono: (787) 850-0000 x. 9168
Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8:00am a 4:30 pm, @UPRHumacao , @UPRHumacao